The new series follows an unemployed woman named Yeo Reum (played by Seolhyun) who declares a life strike and a shy librarian named Dae Bum (Yim Si Wan) whose life is full of questions that need answers. They move to a small town near the coast to discover who they really are by doing nothing and simply living a minimalist lifestyle. The show is expected to offer beautiful scenery of the sea and villages of Gurye, Gokseong and Namhae. The series is exec produced by Lee Yoon Jung of┬ĀCoffee Prince┬Āand┬ĀCheese in the Trap. The upcoming series will be the first project starring Seolhyun and Yim Si Wan together. Seolhyun will play Lee Yeo Reum, who moves to Angok Village after escaping her busy life in the city. Yim Si Wan, who recently played an impressive villain role in Emergency Declaration, will┬Ātransform into a quiet librarian still figuring out his purpose in life. A group of aspiring rookie actors, such as Shin Eun Soo and Bang Jae Min, will also join the seriesŌĆÖ cast. Produced by KT Studio Genie behind Extraordinary Attorney Woo, I DonŌĆÖt Feel Like Doing Anything will premiere in November on Genie TV, seezn, and ENA. Source : Genie TV

Yim Si Wan and Seolhyun Confirmed to Star in    Coffee Prince    Producer   s New Drama - 81