In line with this trend, more entertainment shows are actively informing viewers of the castŌĆÖs psychology, ego, and personality. Just as people find themselves through MBTI, these shows introduce the psychology and the individuality of the cast. MnetŌĆÖs I-LAND, WavveŌĆÖs BoysŌĆÖ Mind Camp, and Channel AŌĆÖs Heart Signal are good examples.

I-LAND, produced by CJ ENM and Big Hit Entertainment, emphasized ŌĆ£egoŌĆØ from the start. When the contestants were first introduced, the show presented information like name, age, and MBTI results. The biggest difference from the existing audition programs is that the participant ŌĆ£pioneers his own way.ŌĆØ In addition to proving oneŌĆÖs worth with skills such as dancing and singing, they constantly observe themselves and others, consider and continue the options before him, and personally choose their own team members. Participants are not idols who are simply ŌĆ£pickedŌĆØ by the viewers or labels, but they become artists who ŌĆ£pioneer their own path.ŌĆØ

BoysŌĆÖ Mind Camp uses psychological tests more plainly. BoysŌĆÖ Mind Camp inspects the idolsŌĆÖ mental states following their competitive auditions and hectic promotion schedules and helps them recover their minds and bodies through various curricula. Kim Jae Hwan, Jeong Se Woon, Lee Jin Hyuk, and Kim Woo Seok will appear as regular casts, while Defconn host the show. The members conduct a HEXACO test and meet with professor Kim Tae Hoon, an expert in behavioral psychology, to discover their true personalities. In Heart Signal, the ŌĆ£predictorsŌĆØ predict the psychology of the participants and detect potential lovers. In particular, the show received much love with the fact that it honestly presents the ŌĆ£actualŌĆØ feelings of the participants instead of an ŌĆ£actŌĆØ and predicts the potential lovers. Source (1)