On the 2nd, Coogie revealed the last teaser image for his new single ŌĆ£POWŌĆØ through official SNS channels. The unveiled teaser featured Coogie and Gray with their good-looking visuals. Each sitting on a desk and sofa, Coogie and Gray gave off an aura as if they were in a photo shoot. In particular, the displayed guns matched the red aiming point in the teaser released earlier, further raising questions about the concept of ŌĆ£POW.ŌĆØ At the same time, the teaser released on the 1st also drew attention as CoogieŌĆÖs shocking transformation was revealed. He overwhelmed the viewers as he appeared with deep red hair. The chic and fierce atmosphere of Coogie raised expectations for the upcoming side of him. ŌĆ£POWŌĆØ is an exciting trap genre song with a repetitive and addictive hook that is unique to Coogie. After collaborating with various artists and proving his musical capabilities, AOMGŌĆÖs producer Gray is joining to support Coogie for a more thorough track. Many music fans are paying keen attention as the collaboration between Gray and Coogie, an artist with an active music career has been confirmed. CoogieŌĆÖs new single ŌĆ£POWŌĆØ will be released on all music platforms at 6 p.m. KST on January 4th. ┬Ā Source (1)

   With Fierce Red Hair    Coogie Reveals Teaser for His Return on the 4th with Gray - 82   With Fierce Red Hair    Coogie Reveals Teaser for His Return on the 4th with Gray - 59