On the 3rd, Lee Jin Ho, former entertainment reporter and YouTuber, talked about the recent controversy over Jennie and VŌĆśs photo leaks. ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve checked with famous white hackers and IT experts on whether the first leaker of JennieŌĆÖs photos will be caught, but I got a skeptical answer.ŌĆØ The reason is that the hacker used Twitter and Telegram as a way to leak photos. The hacker mainly used Telegram for their job, but the platform is famous for never disclosing user information. Even during the ŌĆ£N RoomŌĆØ case, Telegram refused to hand over the data despite the request of the investigation agency. Lee added, ŌĆ£Some might think that itŌĆÖd be possible to obtain data since Jennie is a global star, but even the Hollywood stars have difficulties because the leakers of their private photos were not identified.ŌĆØ And even if Telegram hands over the info, if the hacker signed up using a different email and VPN, itŌĆÖs difficult to pinpoint the culprit. Explaining that thereŌĆÖs a reason the leaker so boldly told the agency to sue them, Lee commented, ŌĆ£Experts said that itŌĆÖs very unlikely that the hacker went so bold in leaking the photos without knowing anything.ŌĆØ Source (1)

Why White Hackers and IT Experts Say It d Be Impossible to Find the Person Who Leaked Jennie and V s Pics - 53