Yong Duk Jhun, who currently serves as the Head of Layout at Sony Pictures Animation and as a professor at CalArts, began his career at Dreamworks. After fourteen years at the studio, he left because there was no opportunity to grow and achieve his dreams. Hear from the only Korean Academy Award Board member as he talks about his journey and compares three animation companies heŌĆÖs worked for.

The current Consumer Banking Market Leader at Bank of America, Young Moon, started out as an accountant, but decided to gather courage and instead pursue a field that fit him. In particular, he wanted to go into banking, which would allow him to communicate with others and establish a good rapport with clients. In this interview, he talks how to become a leader, shares interview tips, and encourages people to start pursuing their dreams even if it you have to start small.

Sean Kim is the Director of Revenue Management at Hyatt. When he first began at Hyatt, reaching the top felt out of very reach for him, especially since Asians were not that prominent in leadership positions. However, he decided to break out of his comfort zone and work towards new challenges. He explains the importance in overcoming the fear of change.

Ryanne Kim is a Design Creative at Netflix who got her start in the industry by working as a freelance movie poster designer. She emphasizes the importance in building career relationships. Through her friendship with others, she had the opportunity to work with Netflix and soon earned a full-time job offer. Ryanne talks about the importance of building relationships in career and the need for people, specifically minorities, to establish their own voice in the US industry.

Martin Kim has a job that many would envyŌĆŌĆØ he is the VP of a global Esports gaming company called Gen.G. He began in the sports industry and advanced by creating lifelong friendships and connections. In order to learn about the next generationŌĆÖs consumers, he transitioned to working in the Esports industry. Watch his interview, where he discusses the difference between the two competition-based industries and the lessons he learned Ā by working in a global company.

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