Song showcased a whole new side with fancy appearances and changed vocalization and acting techniques with the drama. ŌĆ£This character was very different from what IŌĆÖve done before. She had to look gorgeous. Also, the character is divided into the current Hee Ra, the past Hee Ra, and the human Hee Ra, so I tried to make three different vibes. Human Hee Ra was like me, and I wanted to show how she became a witch with the past Hee Ra. The current Hee Ra is after she became a witch, so I expressed her overly strong.ŌĆØ She also enjoyed working with Nam Ji Hyun and Chae Jong Hyeop. ŌĆ£I was jealous of their lively and positive energy. They became great motivations for me. So I tried harder to get along with them. Ji Hyun is really similar to her role, Jin. She has her own opinions and is full of optimistic energy. Jong Hyeop is just bright. IŌĆÖm sure there were difficult parts, but I loved how he never showed it and just smiled.ŌĆØ Song also mentioned SBSŌĆÖs Running Man. ŌĆ£Running Man is a part of my life. I started it when I was 30, and now IŌĆÖm 41. I spent my 30s with Running Man, so itŌĆÖs a part of my life now. ItŌĆÖs a show that IŌĆÖve lived with for a quarter of my life. So I plan on continuing to be a part of Running Man.ŌĆØ Recently, she started a ŌĆ£love lineŌĆØ with Kim Jong Kook. ŌĆ£When members are teasing Kim Jong Kook, I am kind of dragged into that situation. In the past, a ŌĆślove lineŌĆÖ made me uncomfortable. But now, it flourishes the stories, and many situations are derived from it, highlighting membersŌĆÖ chemistry. These days, I try to go along with it and tease him (Kim Jong Kook) even more. But it has brought the members even closer, so IŌĆÖm having more fun filming. I think itŌĆÖll continue on. But we are not dating (laughs).ŌĆØ Song hasnŌĆÖt chosen her next project yet. ŌĆ£I want to rest a little longer. As I get older, I like having fun more (laughs). Since I wore tight clothes, uncomfortable nails, tidy hair, and big accessories for 3 months, I wanted to tell myself, ŌĆśJust lie down.ŌĆÖ So I am going to eat all I want and wear comfortable outfits for the time being. Before, I used to clean the house after I finished a project. But now, IŌĆÖm taking care of my dog.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)

Song Ji Hyo Says She s Enjoying Her  Love Line  with Kim Jong Kook - 26Song Ji Hyo Says She s Enjoying Her  Love Line  with Kim Jong Kook - 90