Pledis Entertainment released a statement on the afternoon of the 6th, saying, ŌĆ£While thoroughly checking on facts, we made sure no one felt like they were treated unfairly during the process. Therefore we got in touch with those who wrote about the artist and corrected false information and misunderstandings.ŌĆØ They added, ŌĆ£We continued by trying to understand and consider each otherŌĆÖs position beyond a mere battle of whoŌĆÖs right and whoŌĆÖs wrong. We met up with them in person and talked instead of hearing from a third party. The artist explained that he used to laugh along with his friends when they hung out. Therefore, although the artist may not remember the described situation and had no harmful intentions, he apologized if his actions have caused them the pain. The individual also stated that they do not want the artist to take larger responsibilities for the past incident.ŌĆØ Mingyu also stated through the agency, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm sorry for causing you the concerns. I went through a hard time with this incidence. However, I realized that my unintentional actions could hurt someone, no matter how I remember it. It was also a time for me to reflect on my actions.ŌĆØ The singer continued, ŌĆ£I realized yet again that I need to be a more of a mature person. Especially I live on fansŌĆÖ love, and I want to return good energy to them. Moving on, I will act with more caution and try my best to stay with the fans for a long time.ŌĆØ With a concluded case of school violence controversy, Mingyu will resume his activities and work according to the planned schedule. ┬Ā Source (1)