Recalled is a mystery thriller that revolves around Su Jin, a woman who loses her memory but starts seeing her future. But as she puts together her confusing memories, she faces the shocking truth about her husband, Ji Hoon. The first poster signals a fierce confrontation between Su Jin (Seo Ye Ji) and Ji Hoon (Kim Kang Woo). The cold expression of Ji Hoon, who was believed to be a soft and caring husband, raises curiosity about what secrets he harbors. Moreover, Su JinŌĆÖs stone-cold face shows how she follows the future vision only to face the shocking truth. The copy on the poster reads, ŌĆ£In the tomorrow I saw, you were a murderer.ŌĆØ This one sentence heralds an unconventional setting where the husband is a murderer in the coming future. This is the directorial debut film of Seo Yoo Min, who wrote and adapted The Last Princess, You Call It Passion, Love Guide for Dumpees, and Happiness. The movie starts with the shocking theme where the future of others is unfolded before your eyes, and in that future, your family is a murderer. Seo Ye Ji and Kim Kang Woo will star in the film. ┬Ā Source: CJ ENM

Seo Ye Ji s Thriller Film  Recalled  Will Be Released Next Month - 27