Recalled is a new mystery thriller movie. It revolves around Su Jin (Seo Ye Ji), a woman who loses her memory and starts seeing images from the future. However, as she puts together her confusing memories, she faces the shocking truth about her husband, Ji Hoon (Kim Kang Woo). The main trailer begins as Soo Jin wakes up from a nightmare mixed with memories of the accident and future visions. Soo Jin desperately tries to prevent the accidents using the visions she sees. Even so, everyone around her, including her husband Ji Hoo, doesnŌĆÖt believe a word she says. And when Soo Jin realizes that the murderer in her vision is Ji Hoon, she falls into a world of shock. Ji HoonŌĆÖs lines ŌĆō ŌĆ£Do you know whatŌĆÖs real and whatŌĆÖs in your head? Do you think youŌĆÖre okayŌĆØ only escalates the tension. Soo Jin believes her visions, and she is eager to recover her memory. Ji Hoon, on the other hand, sweeps the affair under the carpet. What will happen to the couple? Recalled will be released on April 21st.

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