The drama revolves around revenge and desires at a top-class matchmaking agency, where the lust for money outweighs true love. Having different motives, Kim Hee Seon, Lee Hyun Wook, Jung Yoo Jin, Park Hoon, and Cha Ji Yeon gather at a marriage agency named Rex to seek what they desire. Anticipation is growing for what the stars will do to achieve their goals. Bad Guys Āand ĀLove Affair in the Afternoon director Kim Jung Min will helm the upcoming series and portray the reality of the marriage business in South Korean society. The new poster captures a beautiful yet charismatic woman, Seo Hye Seung (played by Kim Hee Sun). Seo will be taking revenge against the man who turned her life upside down at a matchmaking agency. As the poster reads, ŌĆ£Her revenge starts now,ŌĆØ it hints that the star is set to unfold a very dramatic revenge story. Remarriages & Desires will premiere on July 15th. Source: Netflix

 Remarriages   Desires  Reveals First Glimpse of Kim Hee Seon In a New Poster - 1