The series became embroiled in a controversy on the fifth episode that aired on June 14th, which featured an international competition in Jakarta. In the episode, Coach Fang said, ŌĆ£The accommodations are of poor quality. And weŌĆÖre being told to practice at a dilapidated stadium with no air conditioning when they get to practice at a dome arena.ŌĆØ It also had a scene where Indonesian fans heckle foreign players who beat their team. Many Indonesian viewers disputed online, and soon, the officials issued a public apology on the showŌĆÖs official account. They said, ŌĆ£We didnŌĆÖt mean to mock a certain country, athlete, or race. We apologize if certain scenes have offended Indonesian viewers. WeŌĆÖll be extra careful with the next episodes.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Na Young Gil: ZAPZEE is the best Korean pop culture community, and IŌĆÖm happy to be part of it.

 Racket Boys  Issues an Apology Over Racist Portrayal - 21