Miracle is a fictional movie based on a true story. Set in 1986, the film will tell the story of Jun Kyung, a math prodigy and high school student, as he builds a train halt in a rural village without a single road. Director Lee Jang Hoon, best known for the movie Be With You, will direct the film. Park Jung Min plays Jun Kyung. He lives in Wongok Village, which is about five hours away from his school. After coming up with an ŌĆ£absurdŌĆØ idea, he pushes forward with his determination to set up a train halt. Lee Sung Min plays the role of Tae Yoon, Jung KyungŌĆÖs father and an engineer. He is a hard-working engineer who is always on time. But to his kids, he is a bit clumsy and brusque. Yoona (Im Yoon Ah) will play Ra Hee, Jun KyungŌĆÖs girlfriend. She is the one who recognizes her boyfriendŌĆÖs genius and helps him with his grand plan. Lee Soo Kyung takes on the role of Bo Kyung, Jun KyungŌĆÖs older sister. She took care of her younger brother from his childhood and becomes his warm supporter. Miracle started filming on August 2 and is scheduled to be released in 2021. Source (1)

Park Jung Min  Lee Sung Min  Yoona and Lee Soo Kyung Started Filming for Movie    Miracle    - 9