This eight-part series is a time travel drama that follows Shin Jae Woo struggling to change his fate after going back in time. Moon Ji Yong plays Shin Jae Woo who suddenly happens to go back in time and desperately tries to change his path while living with his past wounds. He does everything it takes to avoid encountering Kang Ji Hoon in the first place whom he missed so much. Lee Hyun Jun will join as Jae WooŌĆÖs love interest named Kang Ji Hoon who gradually opens his heart to him as he gets upfront about his feelings. Kang Woo Jung transforms into Ji HoonŌĆÖs childhood friend Joo Hyung Jin who is playful but sincerely cares about his friend. Come Back To Me Again, which won the grand prize at last yearŌĆÖs scenario contest hosted by Idol Romance, will air two episodes every Thursday from September 15th. Following Come Back To Me Again, Moving Pictures Company will be releasing in the latter half of this year new BL dramas The Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304 (literal title) and Happy Ending Outside the Fence (literal title), and is currently filming a remake of the original Thai drama Why R U. Source (1)

New BL Drama Starring Moon Ji Yong and Lee Hyun Jun Confirms Premiere Date - 56