The new film is an action thriller that follows a titular agent named Carter who must complete the special mission while figuring out his identity within the time limit. Helmed by The Villainess director Jeong Byeong Gil, the upcoming movie will star Joo Won. The new poster shows the text, ŌĆ£No Memory, One Mission,ŌĆØ raising curiosity about what really happened to Carter and who he truly is.

The trailer starts with a mysterious voice telling, ŌĆ£Your name is Carter,ŌĆØ and giving orders for a dangerous mission to him, who just woke with no recollections of his past. With the tension building up, the breathtaking action sequences, ranging from intense physical combat to vehicle stunts, heighten the anticipation for the upcoming action film. Carter is set for release on Netflix on August 5th. Source: Netflix

Netflix Drops the First Teaser Trailer for    Carter    Starring Joo Won - 28