Space Sweepers, set in the year 2092, is about the crew of space junk collector ship The Victory jumping into a dangerous deal after discovering a humanoid robot named Dorothy thatŌĆÖs known to be a weapon of mass destruction. On August 5, new still photos featuring the characterŌĆÖs individuality and teamwork were unveiled, raising the expectations.

In the photo, the crew of The Victory is shown: Captain Jang (Kim Tae Ri), who is the anchor and the captain of The Victory, in the center, Tae Ho (Song Joon Ki), the pilot who only cares about money, engineer Tiger Park (Jin Sun Gyu), and Robot Eobdong (Yoo Hae Jin). Also, each of the photo seems to give a glimpse into the characters and the story, adding to curiosity about what will happen in the movie. Since the release of the teaser, upcoming space SF fiction movie, directed by Jo Sung Hee, who has successfully breathed lives into his imaginations through A Werewolf Boy and Phantom Detective, has been the talk of the town. Space Sweepers, which will present fresh ensembles of the four actors and extraordinary spectacles in the space, is scheduled to be released on September 23. Source (1)

Movie    Space Sweepers    Raises the Expectations with New Still Photos - 2Movie    Space Sweepers    Raises the Expectations with New Still Photos - 92Movie    Space Sweepers    Raises the Expectations with New Still Photos - 82Movie    Space Sweepers    Raises the Expectations with New Still Photos - 43