One Ordinary Day is an eight-part series that revolves around an ordinary college student who suddenly becomes a murder suspect. Soon, he teams up with a lawyer who barely passed the bar exam. The trailer begins by showing a glimpse of the day that Kim Hyun Soo (played by Kim Soo Hyun) became a murder suspect. The trailer then cuts to Kim Hyun Soo fiddling with his hands anxiously and Shin Joong Han (Cha Seung Won) telling him, ŌĆ£Hyun Soo, from now on, donŌĆÖt say anything about what happened that night. Ever.ŌĆØ

As the scenes of blood-drenched knives, bloodstains on the stairs, and shattered vase flashes back, Kim Hyun Soo says nervously, ŌĆ£But you need to know the truth.ŌĆØ However, the lawyer doesnŌĆÖt wait for him to finish his sentence, warning, ŌĆ£The truth wonŌĆÖt get you anywhere.ŌĆØ After the conversation, Kim Hyun Soo is seen crying and roaring at the police station, doubling the mystery. The trailer ends with Kim Hyun Soo, wearing a prison uniform, saying, ŌĆ£The girlŌĆ” did she die?ŌĆØ

Source (1) Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles on K-Drama, K-Pop and K-Movie as quickly as I can

Kim Soo Hyun s Upcoming Drama  One Ordinary Day  Confirms the Premiere Date and Reveals Its Suspenseful Trailer - 18Kim Soo Hyun s Upcoming Drama  One Ordinary Day  Confirms the Premiere Date and Reveals Its Suspenseful Trailer - 46