One Ordinary Day is an eight-part criminal series that revolves around an ordinary college student who became a murder suspect overnight and teams up with a third-class lawyer in his lowest point of life. Kim Soo Hyun plays Hyun Soo, a college student who suddenly became a prime suspect in a murder case. Throughout the series, he led the series with his strong presence and appealing voice. Cha Seung Won, who made his long-awaited small-screen return, transformed into third-class lawyer Shin Joong Han who defends petty criminals to make a living. He was seen with a shaggy beard and tied up long hair for his new role. Kim Sung Kyu takes on the role of Do Ji Tae, the most powerful man in the prison. Lee Seol will play Seo Su Jin, a clumsy newbie in a law firm filled with loving nature. One Ordinary Day will premiere in November on Coupang Play. ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles on K-Drama, K-Pop and K-Movie as quickly as I can.

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