According to StarNews on the 27th, Joo Si Eun will be hosting Kim Young ChulŌĆÖs Power FM for the upcoming 28th and 29th. The hostŌĆÖs position became vacant as Kim Young Chul was categorized as a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case and had to self-quarantine for 2 weeks. Two of the guests on SBSŌĆÖ radio programs such as Kim Young ChulŌĆÖs Power FM and Lee Jae IkŌĆÖs Sisa Hero were tested positive for COVID-19 on the 26th. They featured in these programs on December 24th. It has been investigated that there were close contacts between them and the programsŌĆÖ hosts, production staff, and other employees during their visit to SBS. On the issue, SBS claims that they have ŌĆ£taken action by urgently shutting down and disinfecting the affected spaces including all studios and elevators, under health authoritiesŌĆÖ protocols.ŌĆØ They added, ŌĆ£the company has identified all close and simple contacts, and tested them in cooperation with the health authorities. All results were negative.ŌĆØ However, as Chief Producers Kim Young Chul and Lee Jae Ik were categorized as close contacts by health authorities, they went into a 2-week self-quarantine. ┬Ā Source (1)

Joo Si Eun to be Substitute DJ for Kim Young Chul in Power FM - 88