Bargain is a drama series based on a short film of the same name, but with an incident of an earthquake sprinkled on top of its original story. The show is garnering favorable reviews for its expanded story and worldview, which provide a new approach to enjoying the thriller genre. The first three episodes of the series, which dropped on October 28th, quickly rose to the top and became the TVING original series that attracted the highest number of unique viewers in its first week of release. Ahead of releasing episodes 4 to 6 today, the new photos tease the storyŌĆÖs unpredictable development. With the questionable circumstance of a cop being present at an organ trafficking scene, viewers are wondering how Noh Hyung Soo (played by Jin Sun Kyu) will get himself out of trouble. Park Joo Young (Jeon Jong Seo), a ticking time-bomb-like figure, raises curiosity as he is also seen concocting a different plan. Whether Hyung Soo will accept her ever-changing offer is remained to be seen. The photo of Hyung Soo and Joo Young confronting Kwak Hee Sook (Park Hyung Soo) builds up tension. Here, the appearance of Ko Keuk Ryul (Jang Ryul), who was thought to be dead, hints at an unexpected twist in the story. All eyes are on the fate of those who have nothing to lose and whether they will be able to escape the scene safely. Meanwhile, TVING original series Bargain marks the second partnership between TVING and Paramount. The series is set to be released overseas through Paramount+. Source: TVING

Jeon Jong Seo and Jin Sun Kyu Try to Find Their Way Out of a Collapsed Building in Preview for  Bargain  - 14Jeon Jong Seo and Jin Sun Kyu Try to Find Their Way Out of a Collapsed Building in Preview for  Bargain  - 4