On the 14th, Seoul Central District Court delivered a first-trial sentence on HaŌĆÖs charge of illegal propofol administration. The court sentenced him to a fine of $25,610 and charged an additional fee of 88,749 KRW (about $75.75). Last month, the prosecution sought a fine of 10 million KRW (about $8,700). However, the judge sentenced him to a fine three times the amount. He pointed out, ŌĆ£He committed a crime as an actor loved by the public, which makes his responsibility for a crime bigger.ŌĆØ He continued, ŌĆ£Considering the frequency, it is difficult to conclude that he had built a propofol dependence. IŌĆÖve also taken into account the fact that he had no criminal history.ŌĆØ The actor stood in front of the reporters and calmly commented, ŌĆ£I humbly accept the results of the sentence. I want to say IŌĆÖm sorry.ŌĆØ Ha admitted all of his charges at the final hearing. In the final statement, Ha said, ŌĆ£I deeply regret and deeply reflect on how careless I was. I bow my head and deeply apologize for causing concern and damage to my colleagues and family because of my mistake.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Ha was accused of habitually administering propofol 19 times from January to September 2019 at a plastic surgery clinic in Seoul. ┬Ā Source (1)