Sequel to Confidential Assignment (2017), the new film follows two detectives from both South and North Korea, Im Cheol Ryung (played by Hyun Bin) and Kang Jin Tae (Yoo Hae Jin), and one FBI agent named Jack (Daniel Henny) as the three team up to pursue a notorious drug ring leader. The new trailer captures the three main characters along with Min Young (YoonA), who is now a struggling beauty Youtuber, and Myung Joon (Jin Seon Kyu), who escaped from North Korea with a crazy amount of money. The clip begins with Cheol Ryung heading to the South with a brand-new mission and Jin Tae volunteering for the task in an attempt to return to his original unit. As soon as they have a special reunion, they show their brilliant teamwork as if they have never been separated for the last five years. However, the trailer piques viewersŌĆÖ curiosity by offering a look into the true intentions behind the characters as they carry out their quest. Here, Min Young instantly falls in love with both Chul Ryung and Jack and plays an indispensable role in their secret mission as she helps out the two in the most hilarious way. Jack, who joined the investigation to catch Myung Joon, will create a special bromance with two of its other male leads, while Jang Myung Joon will show his powerful presence as a villain who sneaked into the country.

Confidential Assignment 2: International will premiere on September 7th (local time). Source : CJ ENM

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