The upcoming film follows a news anchor named Sera, who faces unusual occurrences after receiving a call from an anonymous informant about a murder case.

The teaser trailer begins with Sera (played by Chun Woo Hee) preparing to film a live news broadcast in the studio. Just five minutes before her news goes live, she receives a mysterious call from an anonymous woman. The woman desperately tells her that someone has just killed her daughter and that person is about to kill her as well. Seeing her daughter disturbed by the sudden call, SeraŌĆÖs mother(Lee Hye Young) comforts her by saying that it could be her one-and-only chance to cover breaking news. Plus, Shin Ha Kyun adds to the eeriness of the atmosphere by appearing as the dead victimŌĆÖs psychiatrist, who throws her an ominous question: ŌĆ£Who knows? She might come and find you.ŌĆØ Anchor is slated to premiere on April 20th. Source: Acemaker Movieworks

Chun Woo Hee and Shin Ha Kyun   s New Thriller Reveals Its Premiere Date With a Suspenseful Teaser - 79