Yesterday, Suga held a V LIVE session and communicated with his fans for about an hour. During this hour-long stream, Suga talked about why he decided to take the surgery and what heŌĆÖs been up to etc., reassuring ARMY around the world that he is doing better. When he was asked, ŌĆ£WhatŌĆÖs the hardest thing after the surgery?ŌĆØ Suga answered, ŌĆ£The day is long. As expected, people need to work.ŌĆØ He added, ŌĆ£The first thing I think about when I open my eyes is, ŌĆśWhat am I going to do today.ŌĆÖ I had something to do every day and I love working. You know, there are people I meet every day and there are a lot of staff. But now, I think, ŌĆśWhat do I do today? What should I do to have a fruitful day?‘ŌĆØ Suga then also explained why he decided to get surgery. ŌĆ£I really didnŌĆÖt want to do it. But there was this incident that made me change my mind. I worked on the ŌĆśDaechwitaŌĆÖ music video for two days, then I went to film the Chilsung Cider commercial. And you know there is a scene where we bring in the cider close to our face. I was filming this with my left hand, and I couldnŌĆÖt even hold the 500ml bottle cause my shoulder hurt so bad. Sometimes even holding up the mic was painful, and I thought, ŌĆśCan I live on like this?‘ŌĆØ

Suga ended his live saying, ŌĆ£I will be back soon with better health.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Suga underwent shoulder surgery recently and halted his activities. He sat out from the press conference for BTSŌĆÖs new album BE held on November 20. Source (1)